Killed a subject -> Murid dan Alam Belajar...
So called study environment of student...
It should be a big released for me by the way...
But it seems not...
Because I already lost 6 marks...
And it supposed not to be lost...
I did correct at first and suddenly my mind appear another answers...
So changed it quickly and made a big cross over the former answers...
While every people were discussing the answers after the exam...
I heard it and straightly no mood at all...
And I really want to shout out all three characters' words in mandarin... (or four alphabets' words in English)...
Frust man...
But what to do?
It was over...
So just took it as a lesson...
Or my self fulfillment is high?
Or I m an egoist?
Yes, it is...
Should be like this...
Please do not practice the bad habit -> avoiding study...
P/S: I m down... So please do not talk to me or I will get mad !!!!!!!!!! Please stay away from this orang gila for a moment...