Fine day, sunday...
But really lazy to have lunch at outside...
So we just bought from cafe...
Yesterday we had our hostel open day...
And our block had become the winner of 3K competition... (stand for kebersihan, keceriaan dan keselamatan)
Got a big big big hamper..
Yesterday the lunch was provided...
And it left a lot...
So after we ate we straight away went to downstairs and get some for our dinner...
I had some delicious meal during dinner these few days...
Sure will get fat...
I don't want!!!!!!!!!!!!
Think I shall stop here and continue my revision journey...
As a journeyer, I should stop for some rest and keep on walking...
But sometimes...
I really want to stand there without moving any distance...
Should I be so pessimistic all the way?
I should...
Because of the stupid weather...
Capricious weather...
Like a capricious me...
By the way...
Still has 2 more subjects to beat with...
Nyek nyek nyek...
But thinking of the hostel stuffs...
Need to clear our room again...
Another tiring day is waiting for me -> packing day...
It will be a jolly time because it means that the holiday is nearer...
But the packing moment and take all those things down to the store room are torturing...
Some one help me to carry all those stuffs please...
P/S: Perform well in tomorrow's teaching stuffs exhibition...
10 years ago