Guess what?
I was having insomnia yesterday...
Memorizing the notes made me more energetic...
Lingering at blog and facebook made me more vivacious...
Rolling on the bed was so torturing...
FORCE myself to sleep or tomorrow I will bcome a zombie...
Well, finally, i slept around 4am...
AND, woke up at 7.30am...
And yet,
Today I received same call again...
"Hello, ini xxx ke?"
"Bukan, salah nombor...."
"Ini bukan xxx yang potong rumput itu ah?"
"Bukan, salah nombor...."
"Potong rumput oh, bukan ke?"
"Bukan, salah nombor...."
Potong rumput again...
I received the same call (but different person) many times since laz year...
Claimed many times that salah nombor, wrong number...
But they still insist...
*Pening kepala*...
P/S: Going out now to change ticket... Hope that I won't b tired... :P